It's been one month now since I started on Sunrise, but time feels distorted. On the one hand, I feel like I've been working with the team forever because we "click." On the other hand, it feels fresh and new.
I've been on this shift long enough to develop my morning rituals. I now know exactly how quickly I can get ready in the morning. How long it will take me to blow dry my hair, get dressed, and out the door. The most important thing for me to do the night before is pick out what to wear. Accessories included so I'm not fumbling around looking for something and accidentally wake up my son.
My new best friend in the morning is my iPhone. It's my alarm clock and flashlight too. Yes, there's an app for that. I use it to get down the stairs and out to my car in one piece.
Some highlights from the past month on Sunrise:
- No one eats better. We've had Chef Morimoto, Chai, The Alley's Chef Uyeda, and New Eagle Cafe.
- No one has more entertaining segments. We've interviewed Giuliana Rancic, Debbie Gibson & Tiffany, NFL stars. Tomorrow morning, we'll interview Vanessa Williams & Lisa Kudrow. Coming up next week, look for the Millionaire Matchmaker and Khloe Kardashian. We'll also talk with the charming E host Giuliana Rancic again along with her husband and America Now host Bill Rancic to get their secrets to a good Valentine's Day.
- No one has better guests. Jake Shimabukuro playing Bohemian Rhapsody live. Are you kidding me?
- No one has more fun. I work with the funniest team around and I get to tease Steve every morning. It's the bright side of coming to work at 3:30 AM. Hmm. Should I give him grief? Tomorrow will be our one month anniversary. I bet he won't even remember. Just like a guy!
More good things to come on Sunrise. We have an amazing field trip planned for Friday. I'll keep you posted...